STP (Study, Trust, Pray) for May 23, 2024

STP (Study, Trust, Pray) for May 23, 2024

Switched On

Sunday is Decoration Day at St. Paul Cemetery, so church service will be at 11:00am. Following worship we will share a potluck meal, with a cemetery business meeting afterward.

“That’s when Peter stood up and, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency: ‘Fellow Jews, all of you who are visiting Jerusalem, listen carefully and get this story straight. These people aren’t drunk as some of you suspect. They haven’t had time to get drunk—it’s only nine o’clock in the morning. This is what the prophet Joel announced would happen: “In the Last Days,” God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will see visions, your old men dream dreams. When the time comes, I’ll pour out my Spirit On those who serve me, men and women both, and they’ll prophesy. I’ll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, Blood and fire and billowing smoke, the sun turning black and the moon blood-red, Before the Day of the Lord arrives, the Day tremendous and marvelous; And whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved.”’”—Acts 2:14-21 MSG

Today we have this week’s scripture from The Message Translation. As I began to read the scripture I was thinking about Jesus’ promise of an Advocate or Holy Spirit to guide us here on earth. I realize now that Jesus was repeating the promise that God had made to the Prophet, Joel, many years before. The Holy Spirit has always been available for all who serve God. But we must open ourselves up to its power to be able to receive it. When we receive the power of the Holy Spirit and use for God’s kingdom, we can turn our world upside down.

Come, Holy Spirit, Come…Amen.

Dover UMC Worship Service; 10:00am Sunday; 81 West Water St., Dover, AR 72837

St. Paul UMC Worship Service; 11:00am Sunday; 495 St. Paul Cemetery Rd., Dover, AR 72837

Today’s Memory Verse: “When the time comes, I’ll pour out my Spirit On those who serve me, men and women both, and they’ll prophesy.”—Acts 2:18 MSG

Receive the Holy Spirit’s power, blessings and prayers…

About pastorpaul12012

I'm a United Methodist pastor
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